Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday morning

Once again, no pix taken yesterday so i have pulled one out from archives! toby at muriwai, taken in january i think whilst i walked along beach with mia in front pack. well, it is really pretty chilly this morning. had to put extra blanket on mia (and us) during the night. toby has gone off to work and i am making the most of mia being asleep. i guess i should try and sleep myself but i can rarely get back to sleep once i'm awake, especially having just had one of toby's double shot mini-lattes. very glad it is friday, looking forward to a family-weekend. toby's back much better so i guess he'll be hoping to get a surf whilst i'll be hoping to get more sleep. bottle feeding going well, mia took a full bottle from me yesterday so i will be increasing to 3 bottles a day very shortly.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Te Arai

didn't take any new photos yesterday so i thought i'd upload a new one. one which should get adam excited anyway! this is beautiful te arai beach, 1.5 hours north of here. absolutely stunning spot. nothing but beach and turquoise sea. hopefully there will be some waves for toby and adam in april so we will have an excuse to visit this place. just don't rely on toby to get you there without taking at least one wrong turning. mia sleeping and me blogging and job hunting. promising job on the horizon at north shore city council. won't pay as well as other roles but great location in takapuna and good employers. i'll keep you all posted. going into mairangi bay for 11.30 for coffee morning with mairangi mums and hoping to meet some like-minded mothers. no word from emma, we are just hoping the weather is better up north! sun shining this morning but it was chilly overnight and mia had me up twice.... xx

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A day in my life

don't read on if you don't want to hear about a typical day in my life at the moment.... yes, a friend recommended i write down exactly what i do each day so i could see just where the time goes to. so here goes:
6.45am up, dressed, coffee, check email, get mia up
7.15am take emma to bus station then toby to chiropractor then to school
7.50am back home, play with mia
8am put mia in front of tv (tut tut) to watch winnie the pooh whilst i eat breakfast, prepare bottles, unload and load dishwasher and put some washing on
8.20am feed mia
8.40am put mia into cot
8.42am shower
8.55am more coffee
9am email, put washing on to dry, download photos from camera, update blog, look up flights to uk
10am take mia to plunket clinic to be weighed, pop to bank then go to point chevalier suburb to pick up jolly jumper
11.45am warm bottled milk and attempt to feed mia
12.05 give up, give her boob and put her into cot
12.10pm more washing, lunch, more emails, start to complete nz census forms
12.55pm supermarket
1.40 to 2.30 playtime with mia - tummy time, nursery rhymes
2.30 mia into cot again
2.35 sort out washing
2.40 sit down and read magazine/book, phew
3.10 to 3.45pm play with mia
3.45 to 4pm, toby home, put up jolly jumper and put mia in it
4pm naomi turns up and drags me out for hot chocolate (delicious here, usually served with marshmallows)
5.15 to 6.30 play with mia whilst toby goes for a game of pool
6.30 toby baths mia whilst i get her bedroom ready for bedtime
6.40 to 7.25pm i feed mia whilst toby completes census forms online (compulsory here)
7.25 mia in bed
7.25 to 8pm, prepare dinner (salad nicoise), sit down and eat with large glass of wine
8pm sterilise bottles for tomorrow, load dishwasher
8.15 both retire to bedroom to do stuff on internet and read
9.30 sleep
thankfully mia sleeps through from 7.30 to 1am then again til 7am

Bouncing Baby

As you can see, Mia now the proud owner of her own jolly jumper. she certainly jumped for joy last night, it was absolutely hilarious. thought she'd cry a bit when we first put her in, but no, she loved it from the word go. she's a wee bit small for it and kept ending up a bit skewiff (pardon the spelling). anyway, a great source of entertainment for everybody.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


couple of pix from sunday at karekare beach, where the film "the piano" was filmed. lovely beach though it must have been a bit of a nightmare for filming as the beach is a good 10 min walk from car park. it is tuesday morning here and emma now on coach heading north for her 5 day hiking holiday. typically, the weather forecast is bad, with heavy rain due from oz. i am off to pick up a "jolly jumper" soon, bought on trademe (equivalent to ebay). hope mia likes it - no doubt you'll see photos soon.

Mia's new clothes

well, i just don't know what to wear today! these are all my new clothes for the next few months which have been sent to me by everybody back home in england. pink seems to be rather popular!! i am still a little too small for 3-6 months tho a bit big for 0-3 months. yes, believe it or not, i am quite petite. seems impossible with parents like mine. no doubt i will be scoffing curry, wine and beer before the age of 5. mum currently washing them all so i can start wearing them.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Mia learning to sit!

our family!

a rare picture of the 3 of us.

and some more....


Despite feeling lousy yesterday (due to lack of sleep!) we headed off to piha as it promised to be a glorious day. sadly, the weather let us down again and the sun seemed to disappear. still, it was good walking weather so we went to piha falls, piha beach and karekare beach - all places emma wanted to visit. toby and i aren't keen on piha, it's a bit of a pretentious place, give us muriwai any day. there's no doubt, however, that it is a beautiful place. hope you like all the photos!