Sat pm
[Toby writes] Just drove up from tauranga. nice drive all the way and it was surprisingly quick - only took 3 hours even with a stop for breakfast and coffee. weather is alot cooler and it was cold in rotorua - 6 deg on friday morning which felt arctic to us compared to what we've been used to.
still it was a nice break and i think Mia wasn't fazed at all by the trip although im not sure what she made of the sulphur smell of rotorua. Here is a picture of her hiding from the sun in the buggy.
We went down to rotorua for an IT conference courtesy of my work - it was a joke to be honest but it was nice to get away for a few days.
I am supposed to be helping bithell move house today but he hasn't rung back so i guess he has all the hands he needs.
Jo is going out to a cava party tonight so i will be in babysitting Mia.