Wednesday, August 09, 2006

if you think i'm cute, you should see my mum.....

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mia's latest pose

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snotty baby!

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little miss mia

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Molelike Mia

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Sunday, August 06, 2006


A quick one tonight as I am utterly exhausted and am about to head off to bed. It has been another sleepless weekend. Mia had a great week but came down with what we thought was a cold overnight Friday but then conjunctivitis set in on sat pm. She has eye drops and all seems to be on the mend but her nasty cough wakes her and therefore wakes us.  Toby is going to have to take tomorrow off as daycare won’t accept her if she has any infection.  Don’t think he is too gutted about that! I’ll take Tuesday off as mia has a check-up with plunket childcare at 9.30am anyway.  Hopefully it will be all cleared up and she will be back in daycare by Wednesday. Tiring stuff this parenting! Dull weekend all in all, weather abysmal, very wet and foggy. Toby managed a quick surf this afternoon at local milford beach whilst I traipsed round shopping centre hoping mia would snooze in buggy which she did. At least the surf seemed to clear his hangover. He actually had a night out last night with pals. Sarah and I had thai takeaway and girls talk. Scheduled to have a mole removed on Thursday, it is probably ok but better safe than sorry. Just hoping our health insurance will cover it at 1000 bucks. Started doing an exercise class last week now we have joined the leisure club.  I really enjoyed it but took it very easy, worried that I would injure myself doing exercise for the first time in around 18 months. It was good fun and I am looking forward to this week’s class. Unfortunately we couldn’t take mia swimming at weekend due to her being poorly. Well, another week gone by and only 7 to go til we land back on home territory. Can’t wait.  Sorry no photos today, but would you really want to see a snotty child with yellow gunk coming out of her eyes?!!