Saturday, November 25, 2006

ready, steady, go

i don't think either of us were prepared for just how fast mia would grow and develop. one week we think it will be months before she stands and suddenly, out of the blue, there she goes. i reckon it won't be long before she's walking! we've had to move the cot and put the mattress down to it's lower level too. blogging a day earlier than normal this weekend just to catch you all out. xxxx Posted by Picasa
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westlake boys school science dept, xmas night out, curry and spice, birkenhead

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Santa's parade, Mairangi Bay

yes, christmas is coming. it isn't even december and the parades have started. there is one every weekend til christmas in various suburbs nearby. mia loved it today, we walked down to the beach from home and toby followed us down in the car with camera equipment. she was fascinated by the whole thing, smiled all the way. we got a great viewing point, just at the side of the roundabout, in the shade. sensible folk!! trying, and mainly failing, to get mia to wear a hat. still haven't got used to christmas in the sun. 4 weeks til our holiday, can't wait. lots of christmas lunches before then, courtesy of work and several nights out planned so a very busy social life for once! hoping to go swimming and gyming tomorrow as rain is forecast. we'll take it in turns. got my 10000 step assessment on monday and am hoping i have shifted some weight. Posted by Picasa
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getting cocky!

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Frank and Arnie

looks like our beloved cats will be in tomorrow's pet re-homing newsletter. it's now too late to start the process of bringing them home we think. apparently it takes around 9 months to sort everything out here cos all tests have to go to oz as nz doesn't have suitable labs etc. so, we need to get their new lives sorted out. we'll be gutted when they go and mia will miss them but it is the right thing to do all round. can't imagine they'd be happy in a ground floor flat in heaton or shields after living here somehow and then there's the cost involved. so looks like we will be bidding our 11 year old pets goodbye, boo hoo....... Posted by Picasa
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auckland viaduct

toby has been practising with the camera, tripod and timer! this was taken around 6pm tonight. mia desperate to get down on ground and move around. can't sit still at the moment. she is so pleased with her new found skill of standing and is a joy to watch. just eaten shellfish with salad and bread for dinner and watching old episodes of red dwarf. internet connection very dodgy at the moment so thought i'd start blogging whilst it is on! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

please grant me uk citizenship, i am an honourable human being... and i promise to be a good girl.

yup, mia's uk passport photo! obviously we have cropped the real one but this will be appearing on her uk passport soon. well, soonish anyway. just need to fill in the form and post it off..... another item on my "to do" list. got enough pix now for mia's scrapbook for her first year of life. hopefully she will look back and enjoy seeing pix and other stuff, i know we will. enjoy pix that follow. lots of love jo, toby and mia. Posted by Picasa
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sleepy baby

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scary santa

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