Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A day in my life

don't read on if you don't want to hear about a typical day in my life at the moment.... yes, a friend recommended i write down exactly what i do each day so i could see just where the time goes to. so here goes:
6.45am up, dressed, coffee, check email, get mia up
7.15am take emma to bus station then toby to chiropractor then to school
7.50am back home, play with mia
8am put mia in front of tv (tut tut) to watch winnie the pooh whilst i eat breakfast, prepare bottles, unload and load dishwasher and put some washing on
8.20am feed mia
8.40am put mia into cot
8.42am shower
8.55am more coffee
9am email, put washing on to dry, download photos from camera, update blog, look up flights to uk
10am take mia to plunket clinic to be weighed, pop to bank then go to point chevalier suburb to pick up jolly jumper
11.45am warm bottled milk and attempt to feed mia
12.05 give up, give her boob and put her into cot
12.10pm more washing, lunch, more emails, start to complete nz census forms
12.55pm supermarket
1.40 to 2.30 playtime with mia - tummy time, nursery rhymes
2.30 mia into cot again
2.35 sort out washing
2.40 sit down and read magazine/book, phew
3.10 to 3.45pm play with mia
3.45 to 4pm, toby home, put up jolly jumper and put mia in it
4pm naomi turns up and drags me out for hot chocolate (delicious here, usually served with marshmallows)
5.15 to 6.30 play with mia whilst toby goes for a game of pool
6.30 toby baths mia whilst i get her bedroom ready for bedtime
6.40 to 7.25pm i feed mia whilst toby completes census forms online (compulsory here)
7.25 mia in bed
7.25 to 8pm, prepare dinner (salad nicoise), sit down and eat with large glass of wine
8pm sterilise bottles for tomorrow, load dishwasher
8.15 both retire to bedroom to do stuff on internet and read
9.30 sleep
thankfully mia sleeps through from 7.30 to 1am then again til 7am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you put me to shame, but on the other hand, I wonder how I coped with four!
I love the pic of the bouncing babe. She will soon be hitting the ceiling. x

10:16 AM  

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