our wee bairn is walking, just short of 14 months. not sure whether to laugh or cry. she will have us running round in circles before we know it. we have had to make all areas even safer. i will keep this brief - i spent an hour blogging last night but none of it worked. i was gutted. miserable weather at the moment - hot, humid, wet and windy. toby has had a bit of surf though so he is a bit happier. my week at work was uneventful. my office has had a full clear out and sort out. sent off mia's uk passport application at long last. not up to much over the weekend, weather makes things a bit hard. mia's ezcema keeps flaring up so we are trying to keep her cool. off out with antenatal mums on tuesday for dinner, one of our group moves to oz next week. 2 in the group are preggers again. toby brought mia into work on wednesday. for some reason thereafter, everyone seems to be asking me when number 2 is coming. definitely not at the moment!! all our energies being ploughed into our return home. toby has been improving his website design skills and we now have a great wedding website set up for our return -
www.newcastleweddingphotography.com - take a look. love to all. xxxx