sniff sniff cough cough
no photo today i'm afraid as we are all feeling rather shabby. mia got a cold at the end of the week which turned into an ear infection. oh the joys of nursery and the bugs that come with it. then of course both toby and i caught the cold..... typically, mia continues to smile despite obvious pain in her ear and green stuff emerging from her nose..... to my delight she has mastered "m" and is now saying ma ma ma ma ma (completely oblivious of the fact i am her ma ma ma of course). other "words" include ba ba ba and wa wa wa. no da da da yet though. she can now go full circle on her tummy in just a few seconds. we have had today off work thanks to the queen's birthday (?!) so we have had a 3 day weekend which has been nice despite feeling lousy. we had some pals round for dinner last night, we did the main course and they brought banoffee pie. pretty chilly at the moment and lots of heavy rain. we have been warned there might be a frost in the morning. good grief, how will we cope? all on the mend now but not looking forward to the week ahead. i have 4 days with my predecessor at work, teaching me how to do desktop publishing amongst other things. she is not going to be happy when she sees what i have done to her "office". i don't have an office but share a quiet corner with nice but boring richard, mad neil who goes off for a cigarette once an hour and swigs from a hip flask at regular intervals plus my boss who has his own office just next door. he is a nice bloke, late forties, married with kids, dry sense of humour and very straight up. anyway, i have cleared out years and years of crap so i don't think she will be too impressed. i found unopened packs of stationery from approx 15 years ago! my back started hurting within 2 days of starting work so i got health and safety to do an assessment. i have never seen someone so shocked by the desk/pc/chair set up. needless to say, i have changed it all and no longer have back pain. we have nothing planned for the week ahead though toby is desperately trying to find a decent, cheap 2nd car. since i started work he can't go surfing midweek cos of picking up mia which i can't do cos he has the car....
right, i know it's only 8.30pm but it is almost bedtime.
much love and see you all quite soon.
right, i know it's only 8.30pm but it is almost bedtime.
much love and see you all quite soon.