Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday morning

Once again, no pix taken yesterday so i have pulled one out from archives! toby at muriwai, taken in january i think whilst i walked along beach with mia in front pack. well, it is really pretty chilly this morning. had to put extra blanket on mia (and us) during the night. toby has gone off to work and i am making the most of mia being asleep. i guess i should try and sleep myself but i can rarely get back to sleep once i'm awake, especially having just had one of toby's double shot mini-lattes. very glad it is friday, looking forward to a family-weekend. toby's back much better so i guess he'll be hoping to get a surf whilst i'll be hoping to get more sleep. bottle feeding going well, mia took a full bottle from me yesterday so i will be increasing to 3 bottles a day very shortly.


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