Tuesday, February 06, 2007

little monkey

well today is the day. we wave goodbye to frank and arnie. they will breathe a huge sigh of relief i think as mia just chases them and grabs their tails. we are confident their new owners are going to give them heaps of attention and love. it is waitangi day here, a national holiday. just about to head to the local playground before it gets too hot. just seen the forecast for the uk and thinking about how different things will be this time next year....... lots of love as ever xx

my toy box

little miss mia

new shoes

7am 6 feb

gadget queen

chubby cheeks

all packed and ready to go!

all grown up

non stop

mia's favourite toy - a peg!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

mirror mirror on the wall

well we think she is the fairest of them all! this was taken some time ago actually. mum - you might recognise the outfit - one you bought from asda/george back in heaton in october time. another week has flown by and we have been busy busy. toby had to pop into work briefly but spent the rest of his week working on newcastle wedding photography site, packing, tidying, selling stuff on trademe and having an ingrowing toenail removed. ouch! i had another quiet week at work, though managed to splice my finger on a cake knife i was cleaning. thankfully it was a very clean cut and no stitches needed. mia was sent home from daycare with a tummy bug on wednesday so i took thursday off but she seemed fine to me. anyway, we enjoyed a rare mummy/mia day. currently putting loads of stuff up for sale, all the stuff we aren't bringing back home and don't need. so our garden furniture is up for grabs plus several other bits and pieces. no other significant news so will sign off. take care and see you all in 2.5 months!!

waipu cove


mia and her chippies