Sunday, December 10, 2006

creepy crawlies

what a girl. another phone call from daycare. "hi jo, we don't want you to panic, but...... is there any history of allergic reactions to insect bites in either of your families...." yes, our delightful little treasure liked the look of something out in the garden at daycare on tuesday. why on earth she liked the look of it is beyond me. i guess 1 year olds don't understand the concept of fear. mia had picked up a weta, a new zealand creepy crawlie (a big one). now the weta wasn't very happy about this. and so it bit her. fortunately their bite is only poisonous in mating season and it isn't mating season. wetas are very ugly creatures. hard to describe - do a search on the internet. apparently the one mia chose to make friends with was approx 3 inches long. yuk. toby wants to buy a picture of one to show her in years to come. thankfully there seem to be no lasting side effects other than 2 puncture wounds on her finger. go girl. Posted by Picasa


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