Friday night and both toby and mia are very happy! i'm happy too, this week has flown by. hard to believe i only have 5 more days on my own with mia. she is sporting her yellow troosers and on the right are her noo shoos!! mia's first pair of shoes are far too big for her but they do look very cute. to celebrate the start of the weekend we went to galbraith's ale house for a swift drink. mia knackered tho so we didn't stay long and she was in bed just after 6.30. unfortunately, that meant she woke at 6am today..... toby took her down the beach whilst i grabbed more sleep. mia now napping again and toby has gone to muriwai for a surf so it has all worked out well. shaping up to be another glorious day, perhaps we'll get into the garden and do some much needed weeding and clearing. love to all.
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